Development blog
This blog contains my comments un plans on various topics such as GNU/Linux everyday usage, critic of Microsoft Windows, flos experimental operating system and programming language development, game engine development and game logic ideas, neural network usage, internet and much more.
Blog can be found here
Eksperimentālā operētājsistēma flos
Eksperimentālā operētājsistēma flos ir Plan9, Unix un Xok/Aegis iedvesmota sistēma. Pašlaik šis projekts ir smilšu kaste cell programmēšanas valodai un sistēmu arhitektūras eksperimentiem.
Sistēmas nosaukums ir veidojies no pirms gadiem ģenerētas fraktāļa bildes, kas atgādina ziedu. Kā arī visi sistēmas komponenti ir līdzīgi dabas iedvesmoti.
Šobrīd projektam nav noteikta plāna. Tas ir atrodams lapā.
The flos experimental operating system
The flos experimental operating system is Plan9, Unix and Xok/Aegis inspired operating system. Currently this project is as sandbox for cell programming language and experiments in system architecture.
System's name comes from flower-like fractal I randomly make decades ago. And all it's components are nature inspired.
Currently there is no work plan. Project can be found at page